
Bon Appétit Brown Artwork

$129.00 – $1,058.00

Framed Art PrintFramed Art Print
Canvas 22.50x30cmCanvas 22.50x30cm
Canvas 60x90cmCanvas 60x90cm
Canvas 75x100cmCanvas 75x100cm
Canvas 90x120cmCanvas 90x120cm
Canvas 120x160cmCanvas 120x160cm
Framed Print 55x70cmFramed Print 55x70cm
Framed Print 68x84cmFramed Print 68x84cm
Framed Print 84x105cmFramed Print 84x105cm
Framed Print 106x141cmFramed Print 106x141cm
Stretched Canvas | No FrameStretched Canvas | No Frame
Black Box FrameBlack Box Frame
Oak Box FrameOak Box Frame
Walnut Box FrameWalnut Box Frame
White Box FrameWhite Box Frame
Black with Mat BoardBlack with Mat Board
Oak with Mat BoardOak with Mat Board
White with Mat BoardWhite with Mat Board

Savor the playful pop-art vibes of Bon Appétit Brown Canvas Art Print - À Table! Embellished with French gastronomic goodies like a vase, vino, cutlery, and crustaceans, this abstract-inspired piece radiates with its checked-out backdrops and Bon Appétit scalloped designs. Luxe tinges of brown, delicate pink, and white joining forces in a daring form, creating a subtle burst of color to your space. Savoring the genius of Australian painter Britney Turner, whose art is inspired by femininity, divinity, and the wizardry of art, these whimsical prints will bring European flair and abstract beauty into your home. With lively and low-key colorways available, getting something to cheers to everyone, giving off an energetic touch to your décor.



Stretched canvas fine art prints are professionally printed on polycotton artist canvas, using archival inks and then stretched and gallery wrapped. This means the image is stretched around a 38mm frame to create a seamless, museum-quality finish. All stretched and box framed art prints arrive ready to hang.


We also offer the option to add a shadow box frame to your canvas art print. A little different from a traditional framed print, the canvas sits within the box frame with a 5mm gap, creating a sophisticated shadow effect between the frame and the canvas. Our solid timber box frame mouldings are 10mm wide, and 55mm deep, and add approximately 40mm to the length and height of the listed canvas size.


We also offer you the option to purchase your canvas art print unframed to allow you to have it framed your own way. As with our stretched and box framed canvas products, our rolled canvas prints are professionally printed on durable, museum-quality, matte coated polycotton canvas and made to order. Our rolled canvas products are printed to the listed stretched size, and come with an additional 45mm mirrored edge plus another 60mm white border to allow for gallery wrapping.


Additional Information

Canvas, Framed art print


Canvas 22.50x30cm, Canvas 60x90cm, Canvas 75x100cm, Canvas 90x120cm, Canvas 120x160cm, Framed print 55x70cm, Framed print 68x84cm, Framed print 84x105cm, Framed print 106x141cm

Frame Colour

Stretched canvas | no frame, Black box frame, Oak box frame, Walnut box frame, White box frame, Black with mat board, Oak with mat board, White with mat board

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Bulky or oversized items will be charged additional shipping by Sunday Society and will be invoiced after you've submitted your order. Quotes vary depending on location and cubic meterage. We endeavour to always find the most affordable option. If you would like a freight quote prior to purchase please email us at